Friday, June 1, 2012


We had our bi-weekly visit with Emily's Rheumatologist and my suspicions were right.  She's been more tired then usual and I had a feeling as we were weaning down on the steroids the disease was becoming more active and labs confirmed this.

There are two different inflammation markers the doctor looks at; one tells if MAS is coming back and one tells us about SOJIA and how active the disease itself is. 

It's now I have to remind myself there is no cure only control through medication.  The medication she is on right now is Prednisone, Cyclosporine, and Kineret.  Kineret is the long term medicine that is supposed to control everything and eventual be the only medicine she takes.  Prednisone is like a band aid medicine, it's what she got in the hospital because she was so very sick.  Prednisone reduced the inflammation quickly and controls it very well, but the side effects are pretty nasty (think best case two hip replacements eventually) and can be life threatening if taken too long so we have to get her off it as quickly as possible. 

We found out yesterday her D-dimer, white blood cell count and platelet counts were all elevated which means SOJIA is still with her and becoming more active as we wean down on the steroids.  Good news was her feritin levels were low, not normal, but not 24,000.  Normal is around 60, Emily's now is a little above 100.  In the hospital with MAS they were 24,000.  So anyways MAS is under control; SOJIA not so much.

I'm worried it's not working as well as we wanted it to, but happy we can try a different medicine.  This one is given via IV in the hospital twice a month.  They can also do labs at the same time so if the IV goes in well that means just two pokes a month...hallelujah!  There is a huge emotional toll that is being paid and if we can reduce that cost just a bit I will take it.  Let's just hope this new medicine works.

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