Wednesday, June 6, 2012

"It's just arthritis."

My husband and I made this video because we had heard the phrase; "it's just arthritis" too many times. It's a good synopsis of what we have be dealing with in the past four months.

I made it because there are days when my mind tries to trick me; Emily seems perfectly fine and I wonder if the medicine isn't doing more harm then good.  Then I look at the pictures and video and remember back to the days in the hospital when I couldn't count how many doctors we talked in a matter of minutes and the two days when a doctor actually sat outside Emily's room and told me to come and get them if "anything changed". 

I also made it because I wanted to show Emily that she isn't the only child with arthritis and so we have watched video after video on You Tube made by parents watching this nasty disease take hold of their children and change their lives.


  1. Poor baby, bless her heart.

    That's a very well-made video. Good job getting the word out!

  2. When I saw the video, I felt so sad. A little girl like her did not experience the happy days of being a kid. I know how painful it was but still she never give up. Count my prayers on her. God Bless........

    knee pain

  3. Thank you for sharing your video. She is so cute and pretty. Hope she will be ok.

