Friday, May 11, 2012

Hungry Monster

The steroids make Emily constantly hungry.

Emily's meal requests:
pumpkin pie
noodle soup with egg in it
mini pizza's

She will usually requests all three (not always in that order) for each meal.  The steroids cause tummy trouble so I am usually not picky about what she wants, but this super weight gain (15lbs in two weeks) has me worried.  So in an effort to curb her eating and add nutrients we require she has one yogurt for breakfast, 10 carrots for lunch and dinner and before any snack she has to have something healthy usually carrots or raisins.  She whines and complains about this and then I wonder why am I forcing more calories into her, because she eats what I require and then what she requests.

So some of you will say, force her to do what you want.  This is a girl who is capable of a four hour screaming tantrum on two doses of calming medicines.  Seriously I have to pick my battles here and an super tantrum over dinner is not where I want to go.  Really, should you force your kids to do anyhing.  I don't believe that is why we are hear on earth so I have requirements and then teach.  We do a lot of talking about healthy eating and encourage daily excersise. 

That is another reason I want a companion dog.  Someone to encourage her to get up and move.  We'll see, we did find one place that will give us a dog and help with funding it, we just need the doctor to sign off on it.

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