Emily’s first day of school was this week and boy was it rough, on me. I did not like how it felt to realize she will be depending on others to learn and grow now as well and from me and my husband. I’m not a big fan of outside influences in the world we live in today.
Aside from how I felt, Emily really seemed to enjoy it. She even had her teacher reading from Taking Arthritis to School. We know because we had to interrupt the reading to pick her up for her infusion.
First day of kindergarten + Actemera infusion = bed time at 5:30 p.m.
I’m still trying to decide if I was more upset about my sweet girl growing up and moving on or because there are so many germs and ways to get hurt at school. What if someone comes to school with the Chicken Pox or Strep Throat or a cold? Too many worries.
Her teacher was very nice though and after we discussed our concerns with her suggested we write a note home to all the parents telling them about Emily’s suppressed immune system. We did. How much of an impact it had we may never know although if Emily does not come down with any viruses this year we will credit the letter with success and try again next year for sure.
Emily does enjoy school, but we can tell it is hard on her. She comes home exhausted, usually immediately falls asleep and then doesn’t want to go back. Since she’s been sick she doesn’t like doing things that require a lot of work so school and swimming lessons are on the top of her list right now. We’ve taken it upon ourselves as her parents to push her to work though; it’s part of learning to live with this nasty disease. Even though she wakes up stiff and in pain she’s got to move past it to live so we are trying to teach her how to cope (warm baths and extra early bed times) and how to suck it up (sometimes life just hurts).
It’s a learning experience for me. I hate negative people and believe anything is possible, but trying to instill this belief into a five year old is not very easy, especially when she learned earlier this year that there are things you just can’t do when your body attacks itself, at least you can’t do them until the medicine kicks in.
Our new rule for this school year is every time Emily says “I can’t.” she has to stop and say “I can” five times. We’ll teach her she can even if she doesn’t want us to.

Here’s to the rest of the school year being good and Emily getting strong enough to take on first grade.
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